
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Open Your Hearts and Minds--It's All Good

In her last blog post, Schnee gave us a glimpse of the Official Tokio Hotel America.  We continue on a serious note about the fan forum and finish this wonderful interview with some words of wisdom from Schnee.

NTO: Including the porn fan art, are there any other automatic No's for the fan forum?

Schnee: Stalker stuff or people who want to bring their personal issues with anyone here and have it play out publicly. They want to confront someone here? Do it privately. They don't get to come into OUR house and cause shit. If they are not mature enough to just talk to someone one on one, or they have some reason to require an audience, they will have to find somewhere else to do it.

NTO: What are some goals for the fan site?
Schnee: Goals are always the same--to promote Tokio Hotel and share with the world just how fantastic they are and to have a fun community. We always have new ideas percolating. There are just not enough hours in a week to get it all done.
NTO: With everything that this forum offers, you and your staff have accomplished  alot and are extremely organized. We love hanging out at THA.

NTO: Switching back to the band. What are your top two songs that you listen to the most from Humanoid?
Schnee: I am not sure I can pick two because I think it is a magic album and a great gift to us. I love how they basically wrote TWO albums for us this time.

I probably listen most to Dogs Unleashed. I love both versions of it. Dogs Unleashed is more fun. Hunde [the German version] makes me a little sad because I believe the twins were writing about their experience with stalkers. And thanks to the Humanoid City tour, we have some great videos and memories of that song. (hi, motorcycle spanking Bill!)

I don't think I can pick a favorite second... it would be a tie between Screamin', Down on You and Darkside of the Sun/Sonnensystem. Or In Your Shadow I can Shine. Or Zoom. Or... see? I told you. Can't pick.

NTO: You're standing on stage looking at an audience who has never been to a Tokio Hotel concert or listened to their album - What would be your message to get them ready for a phenomenal experience?

Schnee: Um, wait. I am on stage and Tokio Hotel is there? I would be fainting. Or maybe... Relax, open your hearts and minds, and prepare to be blown away. And then I would go backstage and talk to the band. Heh.

Schnee, thank you for being forthcoming, open and fun. For those who missed another THA administrator, please check out Coolbreezegirl's refreshing interview.

1 comment:

  1. I love that Schnee is all about the Band, 1st and foremost! THA has always been that way, and new we all know where that amazing spirit came from.
