
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Celebrate Independence NTO Style

This week starts with July 4 - U.S. Independence Day.  Nothing better describes Tokio Hotel and the women on this blog who enjoy their music. We certainly are independent beings. We will carry the theme of independence, individuality, striving to be your own person for the entire week.  Join us each day to celebrate what makes us unique.

One of our famous quotes is that you're never too old for Tokio Hotel.  Well, you're also never too old to be inspired by or learn from this young band.  Repeatedly they have overcome odds to push forward to success.

Bill Kaulitz started writing songs at seven years old. By 11 years old, he and his twin, Tom, were performing in small clubs, at which time they met Georg and Gustav to form Tokio Hotel. Along the way to achieving their dreams, many obstacles with the record company, throat infection, stalkers, etc., sat like boulders in their path. Sheer determination on Tokio Hotel's side and on their fans' side have helped to blast apart the impediments.

As a teen, one dream that I've had was to be a writer. I didn't plan on writing as a profession, simply as a means of expression.  I wrote poetry and short stories on all angsty issues that teens experience. Now I write stories as my career choice.  The chosen path brings about a certain amount of freedom because I love letting go of my imagination and allowing it to guide my hand as the story unfolds.

Below is a poem I wrote inspired by the first time that I saw Tokio Hotel, specifically Bill. I was intrigued by his appearance. Intrigued that someone so young had the backbone to be sylistically unique and trendsetting. Our society gives a wider latitude to female artists who choose to be extreme.  So I was surprised and pleased that Bill had a streak of stubbornness and indvidiuality to stick with his personal style, which, by the way, changes frequently with dramatic flair. 

One Moment In Time© – Michelle Monkou

One moment in time ignited a change.
A microsecond, an instant connection
Shot straight to my heart,
and into my soul.

O Angel, haunting, graceful, yearning—strange.
You - winged messenger, a voice worth attention
Weave your white magic.
For this is your goal.

Let go fear, escape doubt. Get out of range.
A closed bud unfurls, with my dreams intention
Teach me through your songs.
What is my life’s role?

Dream big. Hold that vision. Is that my challenge?
Magdeburg. Hamburg. Life outside convention.
Breathe. Believe. Born to write.
Freedom-- I'm in control.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful way to describe independence! It's not a simple choice, but a struggle to be different and free! LOVE this, Michelle!
