
Monday, July 19, 2010

Embrace The Moment--Words To Live By

The NTOs were able to nab Schnee, the chief admin for the official Tokio Hotel America (THA) fan site and forum, for a fun interview. Join us as we turn the spotlight on Schnee--warrior queen or superhero crusader, you decide.

NTO: How did you first become a fan of TH?
Schnee: It was January 2007. I was reading Oh No They Didn't, the LiveJournal of celebrity gossip. I saw this post and was extremely intrigued. I watched a couple of their videos and that was that. It was pretty much immediately love. Cannot lie, it was Bill that captured my attention most. I don't think that is a unique experience though.

NTO: What about Bill do you think draws in people immediately?

Schnee: Durch Den Monsun video... there were moments in that video when I literally stopped breathing while watching it. It was like WHO are these guys???? Rette Mich? They ate my heart. I was a goner. I got their logo tattooed on me about one month after I first saw them. The words Spring Nicht followed shortly thereafter.

NTO: Willing to tell us where the tats are? Any plans to add more?
Schnee: They are both on my left forearm, just below where the elbow bends, kinda of on the top of the arm. Yes, I have plans to add more as soon as I can afford it. I would like to do something with the word "Heilig".

NTO: Let's say that you've got one minute to talk to Bill uninterrupted. What information about you would you share and why?
Schnee: Well, based on my experience meeting them once and meeting their management, I would probably let him know that he should be proud because their lyrics and music have such a wide reach to all ages of fans. And I’d thank him for never making his fans feel like they had to fit into a certain mold, i.e., be really young and hot. I had that experience with another band and it was a deal breaker when they treated fans who were not potential hook-ups like they did not matter.

NTO: How has Tokio Hotel influenced your life?
Schnee: I am so inspired by their attitudes and life values of being 100% true to yourself. Bill in particular has been a beacon for me because he is so brave. Wearing a kilt to go audition for a television show? Chutzpah! The lyrics they wrote when they were Devilish touched my heart too.

In particular, I love the story of how Bill got his Tokio Hotel logo tattoo and when questioned something like "Well, what if Tokio Hotel fails, you will regret getting that" and he responded that no, for him it was always going to be an important part of his life... THAT was inspiring to me. Embrace the moment, don't be afraid and for god's sake, don't NOT do something today because your future self might regret it.

That's the source of our tagline - "because life is too short to not be their fan."

NTO: So, using Bill's philosophy of embracing the moment, was there such a moment in your personal/career aspirations?
Schnee: Oh golly. I tend to live this way. I am definitely a person who runs with scissors and colors outside the lines. Career wise? I quit my job and moved to a ski resort in another state for the winter. That other job became unbearable due to a guy who made decisions wanting to hook up with another girl. I asked him to bring me a box. I packed it and walked out. He kept saying "You can't do this." Really? Watch me.

I would have to say getting my Tokio Hotel tattoo within one month of discovering the band was also a "seize the moment" time and I have never once regretted it.

They continue to inspire me because they are growing as artists and as men and they still embody the same attitudes. I am so glad to be on this ride.

Join us on Wednesday for Part 2.


  1. Schnee, you are a prime example of how Tokio Hotel can touch the lives of so many people. You are so strong, and Tokio Hotel seems to give you even more strength! Can't wait for the rest of the interview!

  2. Schnee--warrior queen or superhero crusader?? My vote is for both.
