
Saturday, August 7, 2010

From Portugal With Love -- Tokio Hotel America

The NTO's have the pleasure of interviewing the top echelon of the Official Tokio Hotel America (THA) fan site and forum. Today Stern, the third administrator, shares her outlook about THA, the band, and a sneak peek into her world. We love the fact that although this fan site says America, the administrators are from Sweden, Portugual and the U.S. The fan base is also global.  Thanks to THA for taking down the walls that separate or hold us behind because of gender, class, race and other constraints.

NTO: How were you introduced to TH or an individual member of the band (video, THTV episode, concert, someone's recommendation). Can you remember that initial feeling? How was that initial reaction matured into your present feelings about the band?

Stern: I first heard of Tokio Hotel through MTV Portugal in September 2007. I had my TV on, but wasn’t really paying any attention to it.  All of a sudden, I hear a bit of “Schrei” followed by a bit of “Scream”, looked at the TV, and caught a glimpse of the two videos. It was a TV spot announcing Tokio Hotel as September Artist of the Month, which meant there would be specials about them for the whole month. They caught my attention just with that tidbit. I was intrigued, at first. I really liked the sound of the songs I heard, but I couldn’t understand why the song was in German and English or if they were children or teenagers. I remember making a mental note to watch those specials, but I never got to do it caught with work.  It was only in the beginning of October that I suddenly remembered I had yet to check Tokio Hotel out and so I did. Starting on YouTube and going to fan blogs and later on forums, I searched everything.  My initial feelings were of wonder and curiosity to knowing more, hearing more, watching more. This initial feeling soon evolved from just wonder and curiosity to love and respect. I love Tokio Hotel’s music. I love the happiness they bring to my life. And above all, I have a great respect for their work, because I think it’s impressive how professional they are and how much they have achieved at such a young age.

NTO: How did you connect to Schnee (creator of THA)? What motivated you to become a volunteer/admin of the forum?
Stern: I found THA in November 2007, but only registered in February 2008. In late 2007 when I first found Tokio Hotel, many forums and fan blogs really lacked facts.  It was hard to find real information with correct sources. THA is excellent in that way, I love the amount of information and organization I find there.

Then it is the people. We have fans from every age and everywhere in the world and the connection and sharing are amazing. For example, to be able to follow and feel the excitement of a TH live show when it is happening all across the world as if I was there, it’s just incredible!

When I believe in something I always try to give my all to it and I believe THA is a great place to be and TH is a great band that totally deserves my dedication. So when THA opened applications to busybees, I decided to apply and to my great surprise and honor I got selected. I started as a busybee at THA staff, was later promoted to Moderator, then become a Super Moderator and am now an administrator. To be part of THA staff allows me to support Tokio Hotel in a more active way and also to give back as much as I get from THA.

I am extremely grateful for having found THA, it is now my home in TH fandom and my first home in this internet world.

NTO: Let's say you had a rough day. Nothing is going your way. You're angry or sad. From the Humanoid City Album, which song would you select to bring you out of your mood? Why? Any other songs (from any album) that you'd like to mention?
Stern: All of Humanoid City Album is full of powerful songs so it’s really hard to choose one, but I’ll say Pain of Love, Hey You and Dogs Unleashed! The energy I get from these songs always manages to bring my mood up. To me they have a feeling of hope, of carrying on no matter what’s wrong and they have such a strong sound that it’s impossible not to cheer up listening to them.

Schwarz and Hilf Mir Fliegen are also my all time favorite songs, they soothe my soul and I always relax listening to them, no matter what.

NTO: Are there any quotes or paraphrasing an idea from the band or individual members that matches your philosophy on life? Do you have a real life example of living the quote.
Stern: I can relate with the general attitude of the band of believing in their dreams and fighting for them.  That’s how I live my life. I always go for it, if I think it’s worth it! Being a teacher in Portugal you will find many obstacles in your way through your career, the first being constantly moving around, but I love teaching and so every day I fight to do what I love to do, no matter what comes my way.

Also I always had a rebellious attitude toward what's socially correct and what’s expected of you. Like the twins, I grew up in a village where most people are very close-minded and it wasn’t easy but I always remained true to myself. I act and live my life the way I find correct [for me] and not how others want me to.

NTO: I'm going to present two scenarios and you tell me which TH band members you would select for the scenarios. It can be the same person. Please tell us why?

a) Your car broke down on a long stretch of highway. Next town is at least an hour away. Which TH member would you like to drive up and whisk you away? (BTW, what's your personality before the help arrives?)
Stern: BILL!!! But just because I think he must be the best driver from the band. ;) I am a really focused and calm person even under stress, so I know I’d be calm and collected, just waiting for help to come.

b) You are the substitute teacher for a class with unruly high schoolers. You're at your wit's end (or maybe not, how are you with rude, unruly young ones LOL), which TH member would you call on. BTW, we didn't know you were a teacher, so cosmic coincidence for this example LOL.
Stern: I would call Gustav. I think he must be very collect and cool. You need to be strict but at the same time be able to understand the kids’ problems and I think he'd be able to deal with them just fine.

But I would also love to see Bill and Tom as teachers. They always complain about them and so I would like to see them on this side. Not disregarding any of their facts of feelings toward school and teachers, but in general students always complain about us and they hardly ever stop to think how it is to be on the other side of the table.
 * * *
Stern, thank you very much.  Hey, if TH ever comes to substitute at your school, send a quick email. We'll be on the next flight LOL.  You have our respect and appreciation for your hard work.  For those who missed the other administrators' interviews, click on Coolbreezegirl or Schnee to learn more about this dream team.


  1. It was a pleasure reading this about Stern. My mom and sister are teachers (mom is retired), and I have 1000 Oceans' worth of respect for teachers. You put in so many more hours than you can ever be compensated for. Kudos!

  2. Female leadership rocks! These ladies are role models just as much as the band is for our younger fans.

  3. Another amazing interview and yet another awesome member of THA staff. And great questions ladies!!!!
