
Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Rocking Good Time -- Torino, Italy (#3)

This city was the first of four Italian cities hosting Tokio Hotel’s performances. Each of us will share our perspective of the concert. Annette has the platform for Part 3 of her 4 Part review:

Concert (cont’d)
By the time the guys get to Pain of Love there is a fangirl who has wedged her way between myself and Patricia. The pit at a Tokio Hotel concert is like being a soldier on the battlefield. You have to take control of your space in order to secure your area. I obviously FAILED at that endeavor. Anyway, fangirl was fist pumping to Pain of Love like she was a rejected Jersey Shore candidate. She was also jumping all around her secure area and seriously impinging on mine. I quickly decided I was way too old for this and didn’t want to spend the entire concert moving around her to get back to my spot next to Patricia. Plus, I was missing the rest of my crew. So I tapped Patricia on the shoulder, told her I was done with the pit and was going to the 2nd level. Pain of Love was over and the sexy Bill voice-over intro to World Behind My Wall was playing. I had 2-3 minutes to haul ass from the pit to where I needed to be.

I turn around and proceed thru the crowd. The hyped fans won’t let me out. PEOPLE, if somebody is trying to remove themselves from the pit, you let them go because that means YOU GET CLOSER. Hello??? I get frustrated and rely on my college day abilities to lead a crowd of girls from the front door of a frat hour to the beer, and just start pushing people aside. Once I clear the crowd, I seriously book it thru the venue, up the stairs to the 2nd level where I put my arms around Michelle and Maria and completely freaked them out because they weren’t expecting me. We keep the group hug going thru the 1st few notes of World Behind My Wall.

The rest of the concert goes by quickly. I felt like if I blinked I would miss something. The view from the 2nd level is a lot different. I can’t see anything up close. I end up focusing on the two side screens a lot to see the facial expressions of the guys. I do have an awesome view of the span of the stage, with the open egg, which is impressive. The show started with the egg open, forgot to mention that earlier. I can also clearly see the background screen with the cool graphics. These change as the songs change and are AMAZING.

My eyes take in the whole scene and my ears the songs. I focus on each of the guys. Bill’s singing is BEAUTIFUL and I love his dancing. He flails his long arms and insanely long legs. His legs are seriously 5 miles long and skinny. So sexy hexy. He moves with the beat and I move along with him. Where we are standing is only one fan deep. The rest of the fans are sitting in seats behind us and hardly move. Odd??? A couple of girls dance, but the rest of the people, possibly parents, sit there. How could this be when I am jumping up and down and dancing like a freakin’ maniac?? I was just way into the whole show. I sang at the absolute top of my lungs with my mouth open as wide as it could get. I girlie danced, moving my arms and legs as wildly as I could. I jump up and down to several songs as the music takes over my soul.

Come back for the final episode of Rocking in Tornio with Tokio Hotel.

Feel free to ask questions about the concert or the Torino leg of the trip.

1 comment:

  1. All I have to say is read the concert reviews and then pre-order the DVD. The reviews are like a companion guide to concert night. Once Tokio Hotel comes to the U.S., then my next message will be to buy a darn ticket, right away. LOL
